Funny bee jokes, memes, puns, sayings and pick up lines

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Friday, May 3, 2024

Humour is one of the most important aspects of socialization, which explains why bee jokes are becoming famous each day. A simple joke can go a long way in changing the mood of someone who would otherwise be gloomy. Fortunately, a few bee jokes can help make this possible.

Turns out that bees are actually not only good for the environment only but that they also bring happiness and joy, and not through the honey they make only. Bee puns are probably some of the best puns you can learn something through. The right bee sayings will cheer anyone up.

Funny bee sayings and jokes

The best examples of jokes are the ones that make you laugh really hard or those that make you smile just by reading or hearing them. Check out the following examples.

  • What do you call a bee you can't understand? A mumble bee.
  • Where would a bee sit? On its bee-hind.
  • What would a bee say when it gets to the hive? "Honey, I'm home."
  • What's a bee's favourite dance music? Bee bop.
  • What did the bee in the hot tub say? Swarm in here.
  • What animals are smarter than talking parrots? Spelling bees.
  • What do you call someone who wants a pet bee? A wanna-bee.
  • Where did Noah keep his bees? In his archive.
  • What do you call a bee who keeps dropping things? A fumble bee.
  • Where do bees go on holiday? Stingapore.
  • Why do bees have such sticky heads? They have honey combs.
  • What's a bee's favourite sport? Rug-bee.
  • What do bees style their hair with? Honeycombs.
  • Why are A's like flowers? Because bees come after them.
  • What do you call a bee who's having a bad hair day? A frisbee.
  • What do you call a bee that's a sore loser? A cry bay-bee.
  • Bees can fly in the rain if they are wearing their little yellow jackets.

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Bee puns - interesting bee jokes and puns you need to check out

  • Why did the bee go to the doctor? It had hives.
  • Bee puns really sting.
  • What’s black and yellow and flies at 30,000 feet? A bee on an airplane.
  • Bee puns aren't that great. I don't get what all the buzz is about.
  • What type of haircuts do bees prefer? Buzz cuts.
  • When a bee is in your hand, what’s in your eye? Beauty. Because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder.
  • What kind of bee can't make up its mind? A may-bee.
  • What do bees like with their sushi? Wasa-bee!
  • Why did the bee cross the road? Just bee-cause.
  • Name a Bee's favourite artist. Bee-y10. All bees love the honey-moon part of their relationships more than anything else.
  • All bees love the honey-moon part of their relationships more than anything else.
  • Why did the bee get married? Because he found his honey.
  • What happened to the bee who got swatted by one of the walking dead? He turned into a zom-bee.

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The perfect bee memes

Consider the following best funny bee memes. You can share them with your friends and make their day. After all, in this era of technology, memes are the order of the day.

You will be ashamed when you read this and are not even in a relationship.

  • Do not underestimate the little stingy insects, they can cause misery.
  • Bees will always win!
  • This should teach you about stealing, the world is not always fair.
  • Funny how things change when we understand their importance.

Quotes about bees

There are numerous great quotes about the little stingy insects. Whether it is a cautionary word or praise for the great job they do, bees have inspired some of the most awesome quotes. Here are a few examples.

  • The key to nature's therapy is feeling like a tiny part of it, not a master over it. There's amazing pride in seeing a bee land on a flower you planted - but that's not your act of creation, it's your act of joining in. - Victoria Coren Mitchell
  • The hum of bees is the voice of the garden. - Elizabeth Lawrence
  • Man produces evil as a bee produces honey. - William Golding
  • Listen to the bees and let them guide you. - Brother Adam
  • Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway. - Mary Kay Ash
  • The busy bee has no time for sorrow. - William Blake
  • The queen, I say, is the mother bee; it is undoubtedly complimenting her to call her a queen and invest her with regal authority, yet she is a superb creature and looks every inch a queen. - John Burroughs
  • For where’s the State beneath the Firmament. That doth excel the Bees for Government? – Guillaume de Saluste du Bartas
  • The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man, it is to know that and to wonder at it. - Jacques Yves Cousteau
  • The bee is more honoured than other animals, not because she labours, but because she labors for others. -St. John Chrysostom
  • Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers. - Robert Green Ingersoll
  • Words are like bees – some create honey and others leave a sting. - Anonymous
  • A bee is never as busy as it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower. Kin Hubbard
  • The botanist should make interest with the bees if he would know when the flowers open and when they close. - Henry David Thoreau, 1906

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Bee pick up lines

Have you ever been picked up using a bee pick up line? Well, interestingly, these are some of the best pickup lines ever. Your girl may just feel as sweet as the honey these little creatures produce. You may never know, the right pick up line may just be a conversation starter that would lead to a lifetime of joy and sweetness. Try out the following.

  • I think I want to be in love forever and always with someone as bee-autiful as you are.
  • Please, bee mine, queen. It would be the greatest honour.
  • I will tell you the truth. I feel like a honey bee who is constantly being attracted to a beautiful flower with promising sweet nectar such as you.
  • Honey, you're the bee's knees! Accept to be mine.
  • I believe your cute name has been buzzing in my mind like the sweet honey bee that you are.
  • Looking at you alone is enough since your gorgeous smile resembles a fizzing honey wine that obviously gets better with each passing moment.
  • Sweetheart, gimme a buzz anytime you feel like and I will bee yours.
  • If you were a bee, I'd keep you!
  • I want to make your world go crazy like a swarming apiary on the top of a silent oak tree.
  • My heart beeats for you. Please accept me so that it does not fail.
  • I have a wish of dancing in the pool of honey and getting deeper in love with you forever.
  • Is that your stinger? Or are you just happy to see me?

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So, what do you think about these bee jokes? Are these some of the few jokes you would consider adding to your list when trying to impress your friends? One thing is for sure though, bee jokes are some of the sweetest around. You can never go wrong with them.

