Palladium is in a Class of Its Own for Ornamental Disease Protection

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Monday, May 6, 2024

Palladium is in a Class of Its Own for Ornamental Disease Protection

Palladium™ fungicide combines two active ingredients (AIs) in one powerful product to provide broad-spectrum disease control. Palladium protects bedding plants, perennials and woody ornamentals against a range of foliar and stem diseases including Botrytis, Alternaria, Rhizoctonia and powdery mildew. Backed by growers and industry professionals, Palladium is the trusted choice for superior disease protection in ornamental plants.

Palladium jug

Power of Two
Palladium uniquely pairs key features to create one well-rounded, broad-spectrum product:

  • Two active ingredients: Fludioxonil and cyprodinil are unique to the ornamental market and provide thorough disease protection.
  • Two modes of action (MOAs): MOA 12 and MOA 9 provide dual methods of fighting disease and help counter resistance.
  • Two forms of activity: Contact and systemic activity for control inside and out.
  • Two types of control: Preventive and curative control help protect plants at any stage of disease. Use Palladium on a 14 day interval for a preventive disease management program and on a 7 day interval when an active infection is present.
  • Two application environments: Labeled for use in greenhouses and nurseries for added convenience and versatility.

By combining two AIs, Syngenta has created a fungicide strong enough to take on a wide range of common ornamental diseases. Moreover, with two complementary MOAs, Palladium is ideal for rotational programs, preventive treatments and resistance management.

But, Don’t Take Our Word For It …
If you’re looking for flexible, strong disease protection, look no further. Palladium has been evaluated on a wide range of ornamental crops and is suitable for all types of plants, including poinsettias and pansies. In both research trials and grower evaluations, Palladium has proven to be a reliable and effective product for disease control.

“When we are faced with consistent disease pressure, we add Palladium to our rotation of fungicides. It not only works very well, but it can also be tank mixed with our insecticides and leaves no residue on our plants. We’ve realized how well Palladium controls Botrytis in our late-season pansies. We’ve also used it in our plug production and gotten excellent results. Palladium will continue to be part of our fungicide rotations because of how well it works and because it is economical.”

—Jeff Walls, Head Grower
KubePak Growers, Allentown, NJ

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©2012 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label directions before buying and using Syngenta products. The label contains important conditions of sale, including limitations of remedy and warranty. All products may not be registered for sale or use in all states. Please check with your state or local Extension Service before buying or using Syngenta products. GreenCast®, Palladium™, the Alliance Frame and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.
