The Truth About Mark Wahlberg's Criminal Past

Posted by Martina Birk on Monday, May 6, 2024

Mark Wahlberg might have grown up below the poverty line in the poorest neighborhoods in Boston, but his four kids — Ella, Grace, Brendan and Michael— have lived their entire lives among the Beverly Hills elite. So does Wahlberg think his children could hold their own in a fight at school? "I don't think any of my kids has ever been in a real fight. Other than with each other," he told The Guardian.

"My son was into boxing for a while, and I was perfectly fine with that because there are disciplines to learn, and I think it's one of the most difficult but most effective forms of exercise. But no, I didn't think, like, 'Oh my God, if something happens at school you can protect yourself '— it's not that kind of school."

In fact, when Wahlberg and his brothers reminisce about their rough and tough childhood, his children "make fun of it, like, 'oh God here we go, Dad and his street stories, whatever Dad.' They're not impressed. Well, they don't act impressed, that's for sure." But that's probably because the "Dad" they know is "so out of the loop with Hollywood." Wahlberg said, "I live in Beverly Hills, but it could easily be the English countryside, because I don't see anyone and I don't do anything." That actually sounds like a good deal to us!
