What ICT knowledge and skills you need?

Posted by Noelle Montes on Wednesday, May 8, 2024

There are many standards diffused in the world, but it is not difficult to find common sensitive aspects related to teachers capacities that can be listed as the followings aspects of knowledge and skills:
· Internet
· Email
· Spreadsheets
· Word processing
· File navigation
· Presentation packages
· Databases
It's important anyway to have clear what could be the factors that influence teachers in their competences development:


Factors impacting on the development of ICT (TEACHER ICT SKILLS Evaluation of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Knowledge and Skill Levels of Western Australian Government School Teachers Evaluation and Accountability Department of Education and Training Western Australia)

Here followings, the OECD chart that evidences as 19 teachers on 100 demand new ICT skills for teaching: 


Here followings, the Teachers' Development references set by UNESCO:

